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How To Choose A Good Dissertation Topic, Quick Tips For A Beginner

The topic that you select for your dissertation can make or break your dissertation-writing project. For this reason individuals who are writing their dissertations should take special care when deciding what to write about. If it is your first time writing a dissertation (or anything like it) there are some simple ways to deduce whether or not your topic choice is actually a good one. In this article we will discuss 3 ways to tell if you have chosen a good topic, and some common characteristics of dissertation topics that are usually well received.

  1. Is it Original?
  2. The best way to tell if a topic idea that you are considering is original is by conducting some extensive preliminary research. This includes research expert writings on the topic as well as looking at other student dissertation examples to see if it has been written on before. Even if your topic idea is common, you can still use it if you have an original thesis. Take advantage of your research and see if you can come up with a unique angle or area of discussion that has not yet been explored before on a common subject choice.

  3. Is it Relevant?
  4. In order to figure out whether or not your topic concept is relevant try to elude it to current events or recent discoveries in your field of study. If you can find a connection between a current issue and your topic you will likely have much easier time writing about it. It is a good idea to choose a topic that has relevant merit so that people will actually “care” about your writing.

  5. Is it Important?
  6. Some topics just aren’t worth writing about. This is something that is important to keep in mind when choosing an important dissertation topic. Before you invest your time in extensive research and composition ask yourself very critically if the topic and thesis that you are exploring are important. Having purpose and importance is extremely essential especially if you are going to invest a large amount of time and energy in the writing. Not to mention, if you want to have you dissertation well received you are much better off writing on an idea that matters to faculty- not just something that you thought might be “cool” to explore.

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