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A List Of Outstanding Sociology And Criminology Dissertation Ideas

Sociology and Criminology are interesting classes. With Sociology you get to study people and how they operate and move about in the world and among other people. In Criminology you will look at law, criminals, patterns found in criminals, behaviors, and notorious criminals. You will want your dissertation to get notices, so a fresh and innovative topic is a must. Fell free to use one of our title ideas listed below!

Suggestions for Titles

  • Famous criminals and why they stand out
  • Social deviations-what they are and why they occur
  • Serial killers-what are the markers and at what point do they emerge
  • Animal abuse and killers
  • The Drug Kings of Miami and the 1990s
  • The FBI
  • The CIA
  • The Secret Service
  • The Boston Marathon tragedy
  • Personal spaces and why they are important
  • Exploring the only child-you can also look at the different orders of birth and the characteristics that go with each one
  • Additions-among the adult and youth
  • Social media and the rules of operation
  • Politicians who lied their way into office
  • Street crimes and what causes them
  • Organ transplant and questions
  • Single parents and how they make it
  • Adoption and the adopted child
  • Gangsters of the 20s-40s
  • Al Capone and his empire
  • Why some people never marry
  • Sociology as a science in the classroom
  • Deviants and what that label means
  • The Glass Ceiling and the odds it will never end
  • Cross dressing and the reasons
  • Pets and people-the relationship and how it is like parent/child
  • Siblings and the bond
  • Twins-and their ability to feel each other’s pain
  • Organ transplants and the aftermath
  • Homosexuality in modern times or in ancient times
  • Working women and society
  • Same sex marriages and their children in the modern world
  • Narcissism and its markers

As you can see there are many fresh topic options. It is important to pick your topic, get it approved by your counselor, and then begin; you will want to set up interviews with sociologists, criminologists, and professors in the field. There will be journals and magazines in each field from which you can pull support as well. You should keep in mind that some or all of your dissertation will be published. You will need to argue your point, and the paper could be your entry into the job of your choice. Feel free to use of these fresh and innovative title ideas when you write your dissertation.

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