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APA Style Citations: Dissertation Formatting Tips

As everyone that has gotten to the point of a dissertation knows, proper citing is very important. And there are different ways to cite every resource. This guide will help everyone with tips on citing some the different styles of resources. Using a Style guide will help even more, as with all other aspects of the style.

  1. Books
  2. Electronic
  3. Video
  4. Interview


In books, there are different ways to cite different aspects of books, like multiple authors, or multiple uses.

  • Book- single Author; Here there are two ways, as stated in the 6th edition, 2nd printing, is; Williams (2014) or (Williams, 2014), then the text that is to be used. It can also follow a quote as well; Text used (Williams, 2014) or “as said by”, Williams (2014).
  • Book- multiple Authors; Multiple Authors, receive similar citing, in that each last name is used; “Said by” (Williams, and Kirkpatrick, 2014). If there are more than two; “As said by” (Williams, Kirkpatrick, Johnson, & Gloss, 2014).

Each then is easily found in the bibliography;

Williams, A.J. (2002). Social Development in Children. Childhood Characteristics in Psychological Science, 11, 7-10.


Williams, A.J., and Kirckpatrick, S.A., (2002). Social Development in Children. Childhood Characteristics in Psychological Science, 11, 7-10.


Williams, A.J., Kirckpatrick, S.A., Johnson, D.Y., and Gloss, K.W., (2002). Social Development in Children. Childhood Characteristics in Psychological Science, 11, 7-10.


With the web being used so much, there is a way to reference this as well.

In text citation is just like book citations, it differs in the bibliography.

Single Author;

Williams, A.J., (2002). Forensics of 2000 Year-Old Mummies, New Anthropology, 25, 35-55. Retrieved from http://www.newanthro.com/articles/ Forensics ++ 2000 + year-Old + Mummies

This is similar with multiple authors as well, following the rules for books in this format.


For this, YouTube will be used, but any video site can be used.

Intext citation would look like this; (Williams, 2014).

Williams, A.J., [The Chemist]. (2014, Nov.12). Modifying Polymers [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5949R72EnJP

If only a screen name is given, then like this.

[The Chemist]. (2014, Nov.12). Modifying Polymers [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5949R72EnJP


There is no citation needed in a personal interview, because they are considered private, and include a confidentiality rule. It can be said in the quote that it was from a personal interview, or if the person is not requesting confidentiality, then their name can be used. But because there is no way to look this up, do not cite it.

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